Breast cysts

Displaying 9 studies

  • Pilot Study: Combined Molecular Breast Imaging/Ultrasound System for Diagnostic Evaluation of MBI-detected Lesions No Locations

    A combined molecular breast imaging / ultrasound system will enable coregistration of a functional abnormality seen on Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI) with the corresponding anatomical abnormality seen on ultrasound.

  • A Study to Evaluate and Optimize the Performance of the Ultrasound Decorrelation Imaging Technique on Clinical Patients Where Ultrasonographic Clip Detection is Needed Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to evaluate and optimize the performance of the ultrasound decorrelation imaging technique on 10 clinical patients where ultrasonographic clip detection is needed.

  • Use of Low-dose Molecular Breast Imaging for the Detection of Small Breast Lesions Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to show that improvements in the molecular breast imaging (MBI) technology will allow reduction of the administered dose of Tc-99m sestamibi while maintaining a sensitivity of 90% for tumor detection.

  • Patient Survey of Molecular Breast Imaging Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to gather qualitative information about patient comfort during MBI examinations. The primary aim is to assess patient comfort during MBI, relative to comfort during a mammogram. We also wish to identify factors that contribute to discomfort and patients’ willingness to have MBI in the future.

  • Comparing the Investigational Imaging System with Sonography Rochester, MN

    The short-term goal of the proposed research is to develop a new method for viscoelasticity imaging of breast that can work with any type of wave, and not restricted to plane shear waves.

    The long-term goal of this project is to develop an ultrasound-based breast imaging technique to improve the diagnostic specificity in breast cancer.

  • Classification of Breast Masses Using SAVE Method Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this research is to evaluate the efficacy of a new breast tissue assessment tool that provides new diagnostic information about breast masses and potential for early classification of malignant masses.

    This study is being done to:

    • Test an investigational breast imaging system;

    • Image the breast and see if we can differentiate lesions by using the investigational imaging system;

    • Test an investigational breast stiffness measurement method

    • Test and compare to an FDA approved ultrasound stiffness imaging system (GE LOGIQ E9 (LE9)

    • Compare to ultrasound images using Alpinion ...

  • Low Dose Aspirin for the Prevention of Postpartum Related Breast Cancer Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Jacksonville, FL; Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to test whether a short course of aspirin can change the markers of inflammation in patients who have a benign finding within five years of their last pregnancy, and possibly reduce their risk of future breast cancer.

  • 3D Ultrasound Vascular Imaging for Breast Cancers Rochester, MN

    The goal of the project is to develop and test a new 3D Doppler technology, with enhanced vessel sensitivity than conventional Doppler, to employ tumor vascularity as a differential biomarker for improved cancer diagnosis and reduced unnecessary biopsy on benign tumors

  • A Study of Microvasculature Imaging of Breast Masses Rochester, MN

    The overall goal is to investigate the value of ultrasound imaging of small vasculature as a new biomarker for cancer characterization and early treatment evaluation.


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