Joao Paulo Cavalcante de Almeida, M.D., Ph.D.

  1. Neurosurgeon
  1. Albuquerque LAF, de Macedo Filho LJM, Borges FS, Diogenes GS, Pessoa FC, Rocha CJV, Almeida JP, Ghizoni E, Joaquim AF. Performance of intraoperative neurocognitive tests during awake surgery for patients with diffuse low-grade glioma. Neurosurg Rev. 2024 Mar 27; 47 (1):129
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  2. Alvarez Caicedo DC, Donaldson AM, Samson SL, Chaichana KL, Almeida JP. Endoscopic Endonasal Transcavernous Hemipituitary Transposition for Resection of Invasive Prolactinoma: 2-Dimensional Operative Video. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2024 Feb 1 Epub 2024 Feb 01
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  3. Almeida JP, Finger G, Weber MD, Damante MA Jr, Wu KC, Walz P, Leonard JR, Carrau RL, Prevedello DM. Intradural Pituitary Hemitransposition: Technical Note and Case Series Illustration. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2023 Dec 22 [Epub ahead of print]
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  4. Chaichana Kaisorn, Grewal Sanjeet, Middlebrooks Erik, Bojaxhi Elird, Gruenbaum Benjamin, Christel Lynda, Borah Bijan, Dholakia Ruchita, Kim Han, Cavalcante de Almeida, Freeman William, Sherman Wendy, Rosenfeld Steven, Sabsevitz David, Quinones-Hinojosa Alfredo. Awake Craniotomy Program Implementation: a Cost-Utility Analysis JAMA. 2023.
  5. Geltzeiler M, Choby GW, Ji KSY, JessMace C, Almeida JP, de Almeida J, Champagne PO, Chan E, Ciporen JN, Chaskes MB, Cornell S, Drozdowski V, Fernandez-Miranda J, Gardner PA, Hwang PH, Kalyvas A, Kong KA, McMillan RA, Nayak JV, Patel C, Patel ZM, Celda MP, Pinheiro-Neto C, Sanusi OR, Snyderman CH, Thorp BD, Van Gompel JJ, Zadeh G, Zenonos G, Zwagerman NT, Wang EW. Radiographic predictors of occult intracranial involvement in olfactory neuroblastoma patients. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2023 Oct; 13 (10):1876-1888 Epub 2023 Mar 13
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  6. Lopez DC, Almeida JP, Momin AA, Andrade EJ, Soni P, Yogi-Morren D, Kshettry VR, Recinos PF. Triphasic response after endoscopic craniopharyngioma resection and its dependency on infundibular preservation or sacrifice. J Neurosurg. 2023 Sep 1; 139 (3):790-797 Epub 2023 Feb 03
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  7. Figueredo LF, Martínez AL, Suarez-Meade P, Marenco-Hillembrand L, Salazar AF, Pabon D, Guzmán J, Murguiondo-Perez R, Hallak H, Godo A, Sandoval-Garcia C, Ordoñez-Rubiano EG, Donaldson A, Chaichana KL, Peris-Celda M, Bendok BR, Samson SL, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Almeida JP. Current Role of Endoscopic Endonasal Approach for Craniopharyngiomas: A 10-Year Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Comparison with the Open Transcranial Approach. Brain Sci. 2023 May 23; 13(6).
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  8. McKevitt C, Marenco-Hillembrand L, Bamimore M, Chandler R, Otamendi-Lopez A, Almeida JP, Quiñones-Hinojosa A, Chaichana KL. Predictive factors for post operative seizures following meningioma resection in patients without preoperative seizures: a multicenter retrospective analysis. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2023 May; 165(5):1333-1343. Epub 2023 Mar 28.
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  9. Rech MM, de Macedo Filho L, White AJ, Perez-Vega C, Samson SL, Chaichana KL, Olomu OU, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Almeida JP. Machine Learning Models to Forecast Outcomes of Pituitary Surgery: A Systematic Review in Quality of Reporting and Current Evidence. Brain Sci. 2023 Mar 15; 13(3).
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  10. de Macêdo Filho LJM, Diógenes AVG, Barreto EG, Pahwa B, Samson SL, Chaichana K, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Almeida JP. Endoscopic Endonasal Resection of the Medial Wall of the Cavernous Sinus and Its Impact on Outcomes of Pituitary Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Brain Sci. 2022 Oct 06; 12(10).
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  11. Karadimas S, Shakil H, Almeida JP, Tymianski M, Radovanovic I. Minimally Invasive and Outpatient Aneurysm Surgery: New Concepts. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2022 Oct; 33 (4):371-382 Epub 2022 Sept 11
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  12. Trivedi MM, Momin AA, Shao J, Soni P, Almeida JP, Lee J, Recinos PF, Kshettry VR. Radiographic Differentiation of Secretory Meningiomas and WHO Grade 2 Meningiomas: When Atypical Features Are Not Always Predictive of Atypical Tumors. World Neurosurg. 2022 Sep; 165:e386-e392 Epub 2022 June 17
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  13. Ramos-Fresnedo A, Domingo RA, Perez-Vega C, Pullen MW, Akinduro OO, Almeida JP, Jentoft ME, Bendok BR, Chaichana KL, Trifiletti DM, Burns TC, Porter AB, Kizilbash SH, Middlebrooks EH, Quiñones-Hinojosa A, Sherman WJ. The early infiltrative phase of GBM hypothesis: are molecular glioblastomas histological glioblastomas in the making? A preliminary multicenter study. J Neurooncol. 2022 Jul; 158(3):497-506. Epub 2022 Jun 14.
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  14. Almeida JP, Sreenath SB, de Andrade EJ, Recinos PF, Woodard TD, Kshettry VR. Endoscopic Transpterygoid Transcavernous Approach for Resection of a Petroclival Chondrosarcoma: 2-Dimensional Operative Video. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2022 Jul 1; 23 (1):e60-e61 Epub 2022 Apr 20
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  15. Perez-Vega C, Ramos-Fresnedo A, Tripathi S, Domingo RA, Ravindran K, Almeida JP, Peterson J, Trifiletti DM, Chaichana KL, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Samson SL. Treatment of recurrent and persistent Cushing's disease after first transsphenoidal surgery: lessons learned from an international meta-analysis. Pituitary. 2022 Jun; 25(3):540-549. Epub 2022 May 04.
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  16. Almeida JP, de Andrade E, Reghin-Neto M, Radovanovic I, Recinos PF, Kshettry VR. From Above and Below: The Microsurgical Anatomy of Endoscopic Endonasal and Transcranial Microsurgical Approaches to the Parasellar Region. World Neurosurg. 2022 Mar; 159:e139-e160 Epub 2021 Dec 11
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  17. Ramos-Fresnedo A, Pullen MW, Perez-Vega C, Domingo RA, Akinduro OO, Almeida JP, Suarez-Meade P, Marenco-Hillembrand L, Jentoft ME, Bendok BR, Trifiletti DM, Chaichana KL, Porter AB, Quiñones-Hinojosa A, Burns TC, Kizilbash SH, Middlebrooks EH, Sherman WJ. The survival outcomes of molecular glioblastoma IDH-wildtype: a multicenter study. J Neurooncol. 2022 Mar; 157(1):177-185. Epub 2022 Feb 17.
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  18. Sreenath SB, Tang DM, Almeida JP, Soni P, Woodard TD, Recinos PF, Kshettry VR, Sindwani R. Simplifying Access to the Lateral Sphenoid Recess: A Modification of the Transpterygoid Approach. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2021 Nov; 35(6):798-801. Epub 2021 Mar 24.
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  19. de Macedo Filho LJM, Aragao ACA, Dos Santos VTD, Galvao LBA, Shlobin NA, De Biase G, Suarez-Meade P, Almeida JPC, Quinones-Hinojosa A, de Albuquerque LAF. Impact of COVID-19 on Neurosurgery in Brazil's Health System: The Reality of a Developing Country Affected by the Pandemic. World Neurosurg. 2021 Nov; 155:e142-e149 Epub 2021 Aug 13
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  20. Almeida JP, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Dagi TF. Commentary: Evandro de Oliveira in the Historical Context of Brazilian Neurosurgery. Neurosurgery 2021 Oct 13; 89 (5):E264-E265
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  21. Zuccato JA, Patil V, Mansouri S, Liu JC, Nassiri F, Mamatjan Y, Chakravarthy A, Karimi S, Almeida JP, Bernat AL, Hasen M, Singh O, Khan S, Kislinger T, Sinha N, Froelich S, Adle-Biassette H, Aldape KD, De Carvalho DD, Zadeh G. DNA Methylation based prognostic subtypes of chordoma tumors in tissue and plasma. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 6 Epub 2021 Oct 06
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  22. Momin AA, Recinos MA, Cioffi G, Patil N, Soni P, Almeida JP, Kruchko C, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Recinos PF, Kshettry VR. Descriptive epidemiology of craniopharyngiomas in the United States. Pituitary. 2021 Aug; 24 (4):517-522 Epub 2021 Jan 28
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  23. Albuquerque LAF, Almeida JP, de Macedo Filho LJM, Joaquim AF, Duffau H. Extent of resection in diffuse low-grade gliomas and the role of tumor molecular signature-a systematic review of the literature. Neurosurg Rev. 2021 Jun; 44 (3):1371-1389 Epub 2020 Aug 07
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  24. Momin AA, Shao J, Soni P, Almeida JP, Suh JH, Murphy ES, Chao ST, Angelov L, Mohammadi AM, Barnett GH, Recinos PF, Kshettry VR. Outcomes of salvage radiation for recurrent world health organization grade II meningiomas: a retrospective cohort study. J Neurooncol. 2021 Apr; 152 (2):373-382 Epub 2021 Feb 15
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  25. DE Andrade EJ, Almeida JP, Borghei-Razavi H, Capello ZJ, Tang D, Woodward TD, Sandwani R, Kshettry VR, Recinos PF. Reconstruction after extended endonasal approaches to the anterior cranial base: surgical techniques and current results. J Neurosurg Sci. 2021 Apr; 65 (2):151-159 Epub 2021 Jan 22
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  26. Almeida JP, DE Andrade EJ Jr, Vescan A, Zadeh G, Recinos PF, Kshettry VR, Gentili F. Surgical anatomy and technical nuances of the endoscopic endonasal approach to the anterior cranial fossa. J Neurosurg Sci. 2021 Apr; 65 (2):103-117 Epub 2020 Nov 27
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  27. Almeida JP, Gentili F. Endoscopic skull base surgery and the evolution of approaches to anterior cranial base lesions. J Neurosurg Sci. 2021 Apr; 65 (2):101-102
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  28. Bernat AL, Troude P, Priola SM, Elsawy A, Farrash F, Mete O, Ezzat S, Asa SL, De Almeida J, Vescan A, Monteiro E, Almeida JP, Zadeh GM, Gentili F. Endoscopic Endonasal Pituitary Surgery For Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenomas: Long-Term Outcomes and Management of Recurrent Tumors. World Neurosurg. 2021 Feb; 146:e341-e350 Epub 2020 Oct 22
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  29. Fu TS, Yao CMKL, Ziai H, Monteiro E, Almeida JP, Zadeh G, Gentili F, de Almeida JR. Cost-effectiveness of endoscopic endonasal vs transcranial approaches for olfactory groove meningioma. Head Neck. 2021 Jan; 43 (1):79-88 Epub 2020 Sept 12
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  30. Almeida JP, Kalyvas A, Mohan N, Oswari S, Takami H, Velasquez C, Asha M, Zadeh G, Gentili F. Current Results of Surgical Treatment of Craniopharyngiomas: The Impact of Endoscopic Endonasal Approaches. World Neurosurg. 2020 Oct; 142:582-592
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  31. Asha MJ, Oswari S, Takami H, Velasquez C, Almeida JP, Gentili F. Craniopharyngiomas: Challenges and Controversies. World Neurosurg. 2020 Oct; 142:593-600
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  32. Almeida JP, Workewych A, Takami H, Velasquez C, Oswari S, Asha M, Bernardo A, Gentili F. Surgical Anatomy Applied to the Resection of Craniopharyngiomas: Anatomic Compartments and Surgical Classifications. World Neurosurg. 2020 Oct; 142:611-625
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  33. Takami H, Velasquez C, Asha MJ, Oswari S, Almeida JP, Gentili F. Creative and Innovative Methods and Techniques for the Challenges in the Management of Adult Craniopharyngioma. World Neurosurg. 2020 Oct; 142:601-610
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  34. Almeida JP, Vescan A, Gentili F. Surgical Nuances of Endoscopic Endonasal Resection of Craniopharyngiomas: 2-Dimensional Operative Video. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2020 Jul 1; 19 (1):E70
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  35. Almeida JP, Tabasinejad R, Kalyvas A, Takami H, Mohan N, O'Halloran PJ, Sanchez MM, Velasquez C, Zadeh G, Gentili F. The Importance of Long Term Follow Up After Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery: Durability of Results and Tumor Recurrence. Neurol India. 2020 May-Jun; 68 (Supplement):S92-S100
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  36. Almeida JP, Tang D, Kshettry V, Sindwani R, Recinos P. Endoscopic Endonasal Pituitary Hemi- Transposition for Resection of Suprasellar and Retrosellar Dermoid Cyst Neurosurgical Focus. 2020; 2(2).
  37. Almeida JP, Cappello Z, Borghei-Razavi H, Recinos P, Sindwani R, Kshettry V. Endoscopic Endonasal Translacerum Approach for Resection of Petroclival Chondrosarcoma Neurosurgical Focus: Videos. 2020; 2(2).
  38. Voisin MR, Almeida JP, Perez-Ordonez B, Zadeh G. Recurrent Undifferentiated Carcinoma of the Sella in a Patient with Lynch Syndrome. World Neurosurg. 2019 Dec; 132:219-222 Epub 2019 Sept 03
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  39. Asha MJ, Takami H, Velasquez C, Oswari S, Almeida JP, Zadeh G, Gentili F. Long-term outcomes of transsphenoidal surgery for management of growth hormone-secreting adenomas: single-center results. J Neurosurg. 2019 Oct 11; 1-11 [Epub ahead of print]
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  40. Marigil Sanchez M, Karekezi C, Almeida JP, Kalyvas A, Castro V, Velasquez C, Gentili F. Management of Giant Pituitary Adenomas: Role and Outcome of the Endoscopic Endonasal Surgical Approach. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2019 Oct; 30 (4):433-444 Epub 2019 July 10
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  41. Ovenden CD, Almeida JP, Oswari S, Gentili F. Pituitary abscess following endoscopic endonasal drainage of a suprasellar arachnoid cyst: Case report and review of the literature. J Clin Neurosci. 2019 Oct; 68:322-328 Epub 2019 Aug 08
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  42. Almeida JP, Sanchez MM, Karekezi C, Warsi N, Fernandez-Gajardo R, Panwar J, Mansouri A, Suppiah S, Nassiri F, Nejad R, Kucharczyk W, Ridout R, Joaquim AF, Gentili F, Zadeh G. Pituitary Apoplexy: Results of Surgical and Conservative Management Clinical Series and Review of the Literature. World Neurosurg. 2019 Oct; 130:e988-e999 Epub 2019 July 11
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  43. Almeida JP, Stephens CC, Eschbacher JM, Felicella MM, Yuen KCJ, White WL, Mooney MA, Bernat AL, Mete O, Zadeh G, Gentili F, Little AS. Clinical, pathologic, and imaging characteristics of pituitary null cell adenomas as defined according to the 2017 World Health Organization criteria: a case series from two pituitary centers. Pituitary. 2019 Oct; 22 (5):514-519
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  44. Radovanovic I, Dehdashti AR, Turel MK, Almeida JP, Godoy BL, Doglietto F, Vescan AD, Zadeh G, Gentili F. Expanded Endonasal Endoscopic Surgery in Suprasellar Craniopharyngiomas: A Retrospective Analysis of 43 Surgeries Including Recurrent Cases. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2019 Aug 1; 17 (2):132-142
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  45. Marigil M, Almeida JP, Karekezi C, de Almeida JR, Gentili F. Expanded Endoscopic Endonasal Approach for Resection of Intradural Chordoma: Surgical and Anatomic Nuances: 2-Dimensional Operative Video. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2019 Aug 1; 17 (2):E66
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  46. Voisin MR, Ovenden C, Tsang DS, Gupta AA, Huang A, Gao AF, Diamandis P, Almeida JP, Gentili F. Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Sellar Tumor in an Adult with a Familial History of a Germline SMARCB1 Mutation: Case Report and Review of the Literature. World Neurosurg. 2019 Jul; 127:336-345 Epub 2019 Apr 17
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  47. Almeida JP, de Albuquerque LA, Dal Fabbro M, Sampaio M, Medina R, Chacon M, Gondim J. Endoscopic skull base surgery: evaluation of current clinical outcomes. J Neurosurg Sci. 2019 Feb; 63 (1):88-95 Epub 2015 Nov 23
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  48. Reghin Neto M, Melo Almeida HH, Almeida JP, Alexim YP, de Almeida MM, Tavares RL, Correa AC, de Oliveira E. Suboccipital Lateral Approach for Resection of Cerebellopontine Angle Meningioma: Operative Video and Technical Nuances. J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 2018 Dec; 79 (Suppl 5):S397-S398 Epub 2018 Oct 09
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  49. Bernat AL, Priola SM, Elsawy A, Farrash F, Pasarikovski CR, Almeida JP, Lenck S, De Almeida J, Vescan A, Monteiro E, Zadeh GM, Gentili F. Recurrence of Anterior Skull Base Meningiomas After Endoscopic Endonasal Resection: 10 Years' Experience in a Series of 52 Endoscopic and Transcranial Cases. World Neurosurg. 2018 Dec; 120:e107-e113 Epub 2018 Aug 02
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  50. Almeida JP, Velasquez C, Karekezi C, Marigil M, Hodaie M, Rutka JT, Bernstein M. Global neurosurgery: models for international surgical education and collaboration at one university. Neurosurg Focus. 2018 Oct; 45 (4):E5
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  51. Omay SB, Almeida JP, Chen YN, Shetty SR, Liang B, Ni S, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Is the chiasm-pituitary corridor size important for achieving gross-total resection during endonasal endoscopic resection of craniopharyngiomas? J Neurosurg. 2018 Sep; 129 (3):642-647 Epub 2017 Nov 24
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  52. Almeida JP, Ruiz-Trevino AS, Liang B, Omay SB, Shetty SR, Chen YN, Anand VK, Grover K, Christos P, Schwartz TH. Reoperation for growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenomas: report on an endonasal endoscopic series with a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature. J Neurosurg. 2018 Aug; 129 (2):404-416 Epub 2017 Sept 01
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  53. Fernandez-Gajardo R, Almeida JP, Suppiah S, Witterick I, Zadeh G. Ethmoid Meningoencephalocele in a Patient with Cerebrofacial Arteriovenous Metameric Syndrome. World Neurosurg. 2018 Jun; 114:1-3 Epub 2018 Mar 03
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  54. Almeida JP, Omay SB, Shetty SR, Chen YN, Ruiz-Trevino AS, Liang B, Anand VK, Levine B, Schwartz TH. Transorbital endoscopic eyelid approach for resection of sphenoorbital meningiomas with predominant hyperostosis: report of 2 cases. J Neurosurg. 2018 Jun; 128 (6):1885-1895 Epub 2017 Sept 01
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  55. Omay SB, Chen YN, Almeida JP, Ruiz-Trevino AS, Boockvar JA, Stieg PE, Greenfield JP, Souweidane MM, Kacker A, Pisapia DJ, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Do craniopharyngioma molecular signatures correlate with clinical characteristics? J Neurosurg. 2018 May; 128 (5):1473-1478 Epub 2017 July 14
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  56. Almeida JP, Suppiah S, Karekezi C, Marigil-Sanchez M, Wong JS, Vescan A, Gentili F, Zadeh G. Extended Endoscopic Approach for Resection of Craniopharyngiomas. J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 2018 Feb; 79 (2):S201-S202 Epub 2018 Jan 16
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  57. Gondim JA, de Albuquerque LAF, Almeida JP, Bulcao T, Gomes E, Schops M, Vasconcelos R, da Paz F, Guimaraes SB. Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery for Treatment of Pituitary Apoplexy: 16 Years of Experience in a Specialized Pituitary Center. World Neurosurg. 2017 Dec; 108:137-142 Epub 2017 Sept 01
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  58. Shetty SR, Ruiz-Trevino AS, Omay SB, Almeida JP, Liang B, Chen YN, Singh H, Schwartz TH. Limitations of the endonasal endoscopic approach in treating olfactory groove meningiomas. A systematic review. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2017 Oct; 159 (10):1875-1885 Epub 2017 Aug 22
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  59. Almeida JP, Ruiz-Trevino AS, Shetty SR, Omay SB, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Transorbital endoscopic approach for exposure of the sylvian fissure, middle cerebral artery and crural cistern: an anatomical study. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2017 Oct; 159 (10):1893-1907 Epub 2017 Aug 14
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  60. Chen YN, Omay SB, Shetty SR, Liang B, Almeida JP, Ruiz-Trevino AS, Lavi E, Schwartz TH. Transtubular excisional biopsy as a rescue for a non-diagnostic stereotactic needle biopsy-case report and literature review. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2017 Sep; 159 (9):1589-1595 Epub 2017 July 07
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  61. Liang B, Shetty SR, Omay SB, Almeida JP, Ni S, Chen YN, Ruiz-Trevino AS, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Predictors and incidence of orthostatic headache associated with lumbar drain placement following endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2017 Aug; 159 (8):1379-1385 Epub 2017 June 22
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  62. Turel MK, Tsermoulas G, Gonen L, Klironomos G, Almeida JP, Zadeh G, Gentili F. Management and outcome of recurrent adult craniopharyngiomas: an analysis of 42 cases with long-term follow-up. Neurosurg Focus. 2016 Dec; 41 (6):E11
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  63. Almeida JP, Reghin Neto M, Chaddad Neto F, DE Oliveira E. Anatomical considerations in the treatment of intracranial aneurysms. J Neurosurg Sci. 2016 Mar; 60 (1):27-43 Epub 2015 Dec 11
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  64. Ghizoni E, Almeida JP, Joaquim AF, Yasuda CL, de Campos BM, Tedeschi H, Cendes F. Modified Anterior Temporal Lobectomy: Anatomical Landmarks and Operative Technique. J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg. 2015 Sep; 76 (5):407-14 Epub 2015 May 22
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  65. Gondim JA, Almeida JP, de Albuquerque LA, Gomes E, Schops M, Mota JI. Endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery in elderly patients with pituitary adenomas. J Neurosurg. 2015 Jul; 123 (1):31-8 Epub 2015 Apr 03
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  66. Joaquim AF, Almeida JP, Ghizoni E, Valadares M, Tedeschi H. Management of patients with high grade gliomas Brazilian Journal of Neurosurgery. 2015.
  67. Almeida JP, Chaichana KL, Rincon-Torroella J, Quinones-Hinojosa A. The value of extent of resection of glioblastomas: clinical evidence and current approach. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2015; 15(2):517.
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  68. de Albuquerque LA, Dourado JC, Almeida JP, Costa BS. Multiple supratentorial intraparenchymal hemorrhage after posterior fossa surgery. Surg Neurol Int. 2015; 6 (Suppl 2):S104-9 Epub 2015 Mar 19
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  69. Almeida JP, Medina R, Tamargo RJ. Management of posterior fossa arteriovenous malformations. Surg Neurol Int. 2015; 6:31 Epub 2015 Feb 25
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  70. Gondim JA, Almeida JP, Albuquerque LA, Gomes EF, Schops M. Giant pituitary adenomas: surgical outcomes of 50 cases operated on by the endonasal endoscopic approach. World Neurosurg. 2014 Jul-Aug; 82 (1-2):e281-90 Epub 2013 Aug 29
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  71. Joaquim AF, Almeida JP, Ghizoni E, Anderle D, Tedeschi H. Basilar invagination associated with clivus hypoplasia and normal atlanto-axial alignment – Is there a role for craniocervical fixation in these patients? Columna. 2014; 13(1):69-70.
  72. Joaquim AF, Almeida JP, Dos Santos MJ, Ghizoni E, de Oliveira E, Tedeschi H. Surgical management of intradural extramedullary tumors located anteriorly to the spinal cord. J Clin Neurosci. 2012 Aug; 19 (8):1150-3 Epub 2012 June 16
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  73. Gondim JA, Almeida JP, Albuquerque LA, Schops M, Gomes E, Ferraz T, Sobreira W, Kretzmann MT. Endoscopic endonasal approach for pituitary adenoma: surgical complications in 301 patients. Pituitary. 2011 Jun; 14 (2):174-83
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  74. Mattos JP, de Almeida JP, Albuquerque LAF, Otoch M, Aquino R, Bastos JL. Dural sinus malformation in the early childhood: case report. Brazilian Neurosurgery. 2010.
  75. Gondim JA, Almeida JP, de Albuquerque LA, Gomes E, Schops M, Ferraz T. Pure endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery for treatment of acromegaly: results of 67 cases treated in a pituitary center. Neurosurg Focus. 2010 Oct; 29 (4):E7
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  76. de Almeida JP, Sherman JH, Salvatori R, Quiñones-Hinojosa A. Pituitary stem cells: review of the literature and current understanding. Neurosurgery. 2010 Sep; 67(3):770-80.
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  77. Mattos JP, Joaquim AF, Almeida JP, Albuquerque LA, Silva EG, Marenco HA, Oliveira Ed. Decompressive craniectomy in massive cerebral infarction. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2010 Jun; 68 (3):339-45
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  78. Gondim JA, Schops M, de Almeida JP, de Albuquerque LA, Gomes E, Ferraz T, Barroso FA. Endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery: surgical results of 228 pituitary adenomas treated in a pituitary center. Pituitary. 2010; 13 (1):68-77 Epub 2009 Aug 21
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  79. Batista LM, Batista IM, Almeida JP, Carvalho CH, Castro-Costa SB, Castro-Costa CM. Preemptive analgesic effect of lidocaine in a chronic neuropathic pain model. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2009 Dec; 67 (4):1088-92
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  80. Ramos FF, Marques JAP, Almeida JP, Albuquerque LAF, Pouchain SP. Microvascular surgery for aneurysm clipping in the “Coiling Age” Brazilian Neurosurgery. 2009.
  81. da Conceicao Araujo Filho S, Brito da Silva H, Freitas de Albuquerque LA, Cavalcante de Almeida JP, de Paiva Santos F, Sciubba DM. Giant intradural extramedullary arachnoid cyst of the thoracic spine. J Clin Neurosci. 2009 Oct; 16 (10):1369-71 Epub 2009 June 23
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  82. de Almeida JP, Petteys RJ, Sciubba DM, Gallia GL, Brem H. Regression of intracranial meningioma following intratumoral hemorrhage. J Clin Neurosci. 2009 Sep; 16 (9):1246-9 Epub 2009 June 26
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  83. Gondim JA, Ferraz T, Mota I, Studart D, Almeida JP, Gomes E, Schops M. Outcome of surgical intrasellar growth hormone tumor performed by a pituitary specialist surgeon in a developing country. Surg Neurol. 2009 Jul; 72 (1):15-9; discussion 19 Epub 2008 Apr 28
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  84. Almeida JP, Albuquerque LA, Ferraz CL, Mota I, Gondim J, Ferraz TM. McCune-Albright syndrome and acromegaly: hormonal control with use of cabergoline and long-acting somatostatin--case report. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol. 2009 Feb; 53 (1):102-6
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  85. Gondim JA, de Almeida JP, de Albuquerque LA, Schops M, Gomes E, Ferraz T. Headache associated with pituitary tumors. J Headache Pain. 2009 Feb; 10 (1):15-20 Epub 2008 Dec 09
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  86. Daher EF, Lima RS, Silva Junior GB, Almeida JP, Siqueira FJ, Santos SQ, Silva SW, Liborio AB. Acute kidney injury due to rhabdomyolysis-associated gangrenous myositis. Acta Biomed. 2008 Dec; 79 (3):246-50
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  87. Almeida JP, Quinino S, Faquini IV, Silva DO, Albuquerque LA, Mendes JC, Azevedo-Filho H. Neuroendoscopic treatment of quadrigeminal arachnoid cyst in a two-year-old child. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2008 Sep; 66 (3B):758-60
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  88. Silva JC, Almeida JP, Serra S, Faquini I, Quinino S, Magalhaes FN, Azevedo-Filho H. Aplasia cutis congenita of the scalp. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2008 Sep; 66 (3B):752-4
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  89. Araujo-Filho C, Maia L, Silva HB, Almeida JP, Albuquerque LA. Mesencephalic tuberculous abcess in a patient with AIDS. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2008 Jun; 66 (2A):259-60
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